Thursday 14 October 2010


Thursday update as promised.

The slating is finished. The building company are, we are told by the architect, on holiday this week and will return on Monday 18th. Good for them. So all is quiet for another week.

Since there are no pictures of building progress, here is one from our wee holiday in the hills of Torridon.

This is Angela at the summit of Tom na Gruagich. At 922m it is the lower of the two Munro summits on Ben Alligin. The higher summit seen in the background is Sgurr Mhor, where we went on to have had our "lunch with a view". The weather was just perfect - warm, clear and still. It's not at all bad to be out in short sleeves at 1,000m height in the NW Highlands in October.

We got home last night to find the delivery man had left a couple of new toys on the driveway for us. Getting back (tenuously) to the subject of 'building', we had already constructed stands to hold them - and they fit - and they didn't fall over!

This morning we went out to try the kayaks. We expected to potter around a bit by the shore, but loved it so much that we paddled all the way to the end of our sea loch and home again. Great fun indeed!

That's it for this week then. Who knows what next week will bring?

1 comment:

  1. Lovely and intersting news! You guys must be so fit with all that hill walking. Such super weather too. You will definitely have some great times on the kayaks, what a good idea. It can be pretty hard work sometimes especially if you are going upwind when it's a little breezy. Take care though, don't go out if the wind is too strong..........wouldn't like to read you were lost at sea!
    Look forward to the next update.
