Sunday 12 September 2010

I cut down trees, I eat my lunch...

The Monty Python references are coming thick and fast now, but because the weekend has been lumberjack themed, it seems unavoidable. I'll spare you the YouTube link though.

Yesterday our neighbour and tree specialist came down to help us open up the view from the new windows. He felled two decent-sized Sitkas and a stunted Elder, cut back and reshaped our Rowan and tidied the lower limbs of the huge Elm.

I spend the day doing the suitably unskilled labouring work - ferrying and stacking the logs and feeding all the branches into the chipper. I reckon we have enough wood on the log-pile now to last us a few cold winters.
But that's incidental. The important thing is that the work did what was intended. The before and after views from the bedroom window give an idea of the effect.

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