Thursday 29 July 2010

Time Capsule

While the builders are waiting for the concrete to cure, there is no progress to report on the build itself. But we have started working on a ‘time capsule’ to be hidden in the structure. The idea is that whatever we hide will be found when the building is demolished, and that it will be of interest to whoever finds it. Who knows when that might happen – in 50 years perhaps, or 100 years, or more?...
The capsule itself will be a locked and sealed cashbox. Each member of the family is producing stuff to put in it. The list of contents so far is:

  • A selection of photographs of our house, inside and out
  • A history of the ownership and uses of the house as far back as we can trace it
  • A photograph of the family
  • Daisy’s school timetable
  • Pictures and information about Libby’s favourite bands and TV programmes
  • Pictures of Daisy’s favourite fashion clothes
  • A till receipt, and commentary, for our weekly shopping at the Co-op
  • A brief family tree
  • The front page of our local paper
  • “The World This Week” page from The Economist newspaper
  • The URL for this blog (will Google still exist in 2110?)
  • A set of the coins of UK currency
As much as possible of this will be put onto a USB memory stick as well as on paper. (With a note to explain what it is!) I expect that even a century from now someone will figure out how to get the data off it.
So, here’s a challenge. Which reader of this blog can make the best suggestion for something else we could add to our capsule? Hit the ‘Comment’ button and let us know your ideas!


  1. A CD with a selection of John's Geographs showing Skye as it is/was at the start of the 21st century.

  2. My CV, you never know, I may get a reply that way. Or perhaps, more amusingly, a kipper, mmmm or to keep the finder guessing an eight track cassette?

  3. I'm mailing a small contribution for the Time Capsule to you today.
    Hope you'll think it's appropriate; if not, just put it to the obvious use!

  4. Sorbie - Thanks!
    I'm very intrigued...

  5. Package received - and whilst very tempting, will put in the time capsule

  6. Posted in Fife about 1600 on 2nd, arrived Skye before 1250 on 3rd.
    Not bad for 2nd class postage!
