Thursday 15 July 2010

The biggest alarm clock in the world

If you ever have trouble waking in the morning, I can thoroughly recommend the timely intervention of a pneumatic drill and a digger simultaneously attacking the foundations of your house. When you're not quite expecting it, and not quite awake, it does grab your attention.

By the end of today things looked very different again. The gate, gatepost and fence at the entrance to the house have gone. Our lovingly tended (not really) vegetable beds are buried under excavated topsoil. Our compost bins have been relocated away from all the action. The rest of the 'Link' is no more. The concrete floors and old foundations have disappeared - straight from the ground onto the back of a lorry and gone.

The digger is excavating levels measured by laser, which is more comforting than the usual bit of old string and a wooden peg. I'm actually astonished by how much has happened over the last few days. It's impressive, and just a wee bit scary.

Not sure what, if anything, is planned for tomorrow. A slightly longer lie-in would be welcome though...

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