Tuesday 14 December 2010

Let there be light...

and water

and more workmen than you can shake a stick at...

Yesterday was manic. I managed to leave home for a couple of hours, but returned to find:

1. The Hydro had been and moved our power from 'overground to the old house' to 'underground into the extension'. Power was still off at this point so no cup of tea for me.

2. Donnie the Plumber had arrived and moved the water supply so that it too arrives into the extension rather than the old part of the house. This gives us much improved mains pressure. So, no power and no water, and I was desperate for the loo... In my absence, Donnie had also had to clear the contents of the bathroom cupboard. Some things should only be between a girl and her Maker...

3. The young electrician's mate lurking outside our bedroom trying to clear up the mess resulting from moving the consumer units. Poor lad - I dont think his Mum had introduced him to a vaccum cleaner.

4. The wardrobe which had been to get refurbished chose this moment to arrive, and then wouldn't go up the stairs. Half an hour later, after much bullying, mutterings and several chunks out of the plasterboard, it finally reached the bedroom - and slotted nicely into place - phew. Luckily there was a painter on site, (workmen everywhere me!) and he has kindly filled the damaged walls, so I just need to rummage in the shed to see if I've got some of the right paint that hasn't solidified.

5. Power and water were restored - wonderful. You remember that mains pressure I was telling you about? Well - went to wash my hands and soaked myself. Think it might need a restrictor on it.

6. Girls came home from school with friend in tow, all requiring feeding.

After a couple of glasses of the restorative stuff, and a decent night's sleep, it is all lovely this morning. Painter and joiner here already. Plumber awaited. Not sure if we get to see electricians again today.

We may have flooring arriving tomorrow too. That will mean opening up between the old house and the extension for the first time - very exciting. I'll let you know.

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